Legacy funds refer to cash revenue earned, derived and accumulated as a state licensed marijuana-related business (MRB), defined as any enterprise that dispenses, cultivates and/or manufactures marijuana, and not banked on an ongoing basis.

FINCANN now offers several compliant banking options for licensed clients, both in the U.S. and Europe, for accumulated cash in any amount starting at $5 million. Customers of this service will also be welcome to bank their ongoing revenue from operations under the same programs FINCANN offers licensed marijuana related businesses (MRBs). Please note that funds that are found to be non-compliant, counterfeit and/or not tied to tax returns will be rejected and returned.

We currently offer three distinct and attractive legacy cash banking options all of which are subject the following general terms and conditions:

  • Program Minimum: $5M
  • 0.25% Fincann consultation and advisory fee
  • CPA clearance letter and proof of funds required
  • Refundable upon opening of the account following approval
  • Armored cash transport costs paid directly by client, if applicable
  • Initial in-person meeting of client principal(s) required

Visit the Legacy Cash program requirements page for summary information and the latest pricing on our current legacy cash programs.

Call Fincann today at (212) 724-7777 for more information.